Assessors Award

Over the past few months I had been travelling back and forth from London to Coventry to go my assessors award qualification. This is something I had wanted to do for a couple of years, but I wanted to get more experience as a hairstylist first.
Why an assessors award? I had already done some 1:2:1 hair training with other hairstylists, and felt like I wanted to have more experience in being able to prepare for a lesson. Know about different types of learners, and be more confident in delivering a lesson.
Why CWT? I went to CWT to complete my Level 1,2,3 and 4 in hairdressing.
I had looked into other colleges in London and found that none of them were suited for what I wanted to achieve. I contacted my teacher Jayne, at CWT to see if they still did the program after I left, and lucky for me they did. I felt more comfortable knowing I was being supported by my hairdressing teacher who taught me whilst becoming a hairdresser.
What is an assessors award? An assessors award is a qualification to be able to assess hairdressing students in colleges and salons. Support them through their hairdressing qualification, give them goals to achieve their qualification and teach them the methods how to get there.
I assessed two students whilst doing the qualification, Lauren and Casey. Two amazing students who are completing their Level 3 in Hairdressing. Both lovely students to assess and both had areas where I could help with their hairdressing. Lauren is a left handed hairdresser, which as am I, and she found so much more confidence within herself knowing she had my support as she struggled with angles of holding scissors etc. Like I did when I was training. Casey loved colouring hair, and supporting her through a couple of new techniques with styling to enhance the colour, she found more confidence with. As my area was styling and hair up, I loved showing them new braids, ways to style hair and put hair up. They both loved learning something new, which helped them pass their styling/hair up modules.
It was a joy teaching them and I loved watching them progress through their qualification. I am very proud of what they have achieved, and I am very excited to see where they will go with it.
With doing my assessors award, it has given me more confidence to deliver a lesson. Assess learners through their training and how to support them with that. I don't know what I will do with the qualification, but I know for me, if the opportunity to teach at a college, a salon or maybe eventually holding my own workshops. I know that I have the knowledge and great sense of achievement that I have finally done it and wouldn't be able to do any of that without doing my assessors award! I love teaching, helping hair students with their confidence with hair and passing on my knowledge to the next generation of hairdressers.
I would definitely recommend who is ever wanting to teach, to look into doing an teaching qualification/ assessors award. If you feel like you need more confidence and knowledge.