Mannequin Mondays

The past couple of weeks I have got hooked on to the latest trend...
I've started joining the hairdressing nation with #mannequinmonday
The name is what it is, uploading an image of your work by demonstrating it on a mannequin dolls head. I like to do styles that I haven't done before, if I don't have someones hair to practice on. I uploaded this image on Monday morning and was taken back by the amount of people who liked my image. To me, I didn't think it was the best work i've displayed on instagram, as you can't really show off a hairstyles full potential on a mannequin head of photograph.
I had more followers follow me that day for unknown reason, until my hairdresser friend Louise sent me this image. I was so amazed, that Modern Salon had regrammed my image and I was taken back by the amount of people who liked my image. To me I was shocked as it wasn't the best work I've done and why did they pick that out of the other things i've done. I was so overwhelmed. Before in the past, I would say "Any publicity is good publicity", whether it was bad or good. I was overwhelmed as my work was getting noticed and I was finally heading in the right direction.
Watch out my next #mannequinmonday and let me know what you think!